YOP Update Jan 11.2015


This should have been posted yesterday. The plan was to have this posted on time, yesterday. The plan, as I had envisioned it in my head, was to return from our modern day hunting/gathering excursion (better known as grocery shopping), do about twenty minutes of printing work related stuff and then write and post this. Instead, three minutes into my printing, the printer decided to throw a tantrum that could rival a two year old. First, it ate the paper and wouldn’t share with me. Then, when I finally forced it to spit the paper out it spent the next two hours sulking like am insolent little brat and wouldn’t do anything else until it was cleaned from top to bottom. Needless to say, by the end of that I had called the printer many, many, many provocative names and was more or less finished with electronics for the day. After that I buried myself in my knitting where it was warm and safe.

On a much happier note, there was progress! First, 64 Crayons is finished! I even wove in all the ends!!! (Ed. Note:  This is a big deal. I’m not allowed to speak of ends, on pain of pain.  It might have been in the wedding vows.  I will say she’s gifted out pairs of socks that still have their ends out.  Only to other knitters, mind you.  But still.)  It still needs to be blocked, which is a bit of a logistical nightmare, so no glamour shots yet. Next, the first of eight Lumberjack socks is off the needles so I’m half way through the first pair! Overall, it was a good week.

Redacted YOP List

1. Iced – one sleeve and collar to go!
2. 64 crayons Finished Jan 2015
3. Vincent price socks – should be much closer than they are.
4. 10 more squares for Nordic Holiday

Not WIPs:
1. Lumberjack X4
2. Baby gift for the April baby
3. Socks X3 – patterns currently unknown

I hope you all have a wonderful fibre filled week! Cheers 🙂

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