The Fast Food of the Knitting World; or, 24 dishcloths in 12 Months

Dishcloths are a fun little knit. They serve a vital function in for knitters. They are, as my husband calls them, “bite size knitting.” They are the closest thing I have found to instant gratifaction knitting since I can usully have one finished within a couple of tv epsiodes or by the end of one decent movie.  They provided a great distraction from larger projects and are a small step sideways when you need a break from the big things that you are working on.  One tiny little dishcloth can allow a knitter to breathe for a moment and then return to the other projects on the needles with renewed vigour and interest.  They are super portable and can be tossed into almost any size bag.  The patterns are generally simple and since a cloth is not all that big, you don’t have time to get bored.  And they are completely functional.  They get tossed in the kitchen or bathroom and you know it’s going to be grungy and holy and eventually worn out and replaced with a new one.  And since they are so quick to knit, it doesn’t bother me at all.
So when I stumbled upon Ruth over at her blog and realized she had created a personal challenge to make a dishcloth a week, I had to jump on the cotton filled wagon too.  Now call it an unusual moment of sanity, but I do realize a dishcloth a week will be a bit of a problem for me. I have way too many things I want to knit and with everything I just said about cloths being super fast and easy, a cloth a week will become a chore. So I’m doing two a month, one to be completed by the 15th and one by the last day.  It’s resaonable.  (See, all the people who know me in the knitting world, it is possible.  I can be sane.)

And since I would hate to put up the first post about this without having something to show with it, I made my first cloth over a couple episodes of Stargate Atlantis season 3. (We’re almost finished. I’m gald we have the next set of discs aleady).  And this is where cloths are great too.  You get to put your fan girl on and let your geek hang out without looking like you need to be committed to a mental institution or thrown in jail for stalking.  And that was kind of the inspiration for my first cloth.  ‘Cause, I already have a couple Tardis cloths and I thought it was time to branch out a little.

It's a Rassilon Seal!

The pattern is based on the Seal of Rassilon from Dr. Who. I realize the pattern does get lost a little because of the variations in the yarn, but I wasn’t too concerned since this little cloth is staying in my kitchen and it uses a ball up that I really thought would never get used. It’s a win win. And, it’s one down. Twenty three to go.

For a complete gallery of all my cloths check out my dishcloth page.
Pattern: Dr. Who Seal of Rassilon Dishcloth

8 responses to “The Fast Food of the Knitting World; or, 24 dishcloths in 12 Months

  • Renee Anne

    Mmmmmm…..Doctor Who-related knitting 🙂

    This has been in my queue for awhile…I think…maybe I took it out. I don’t remember.

    Either way, I’ll make it at some point 🙂

  • RugbyMad

    I love that “Bite Sized Knitting”! Awesome. Might have to investigate 24 in 12 sounds do able.

  • Leslie

    I recently found your blog. Comparing knitting I knit so slooooooow, but I knit and love it. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Ruth

    Love your first choice in dishcloths, the colourway is just so yummy. Looking forward to getting stuck into this challenge and we can keep each other going until we have a nicely filled basket of them. Its just like you say a break from the bigger patterns and something quick and easy for your fav tv programme.

  • babygreens

    Oooooh. This might be something to do with the inevitable Babette leftovers, especially as the yarn is allegedly a dishcloth yarn anyway. Good luck!

  • gracey

    It looks great and yes that is reasonable, two a month….and Stargate Atlantis! Yeah! So hoping our team is back!

  • Tink

    I’m getting a bit excited about dishcloths at the moment. Have just ordered 10 balls of dishcloth cotton!

  • Lisa Urban

    I’ve been knitting dishcloths to sell at Farmers Market this summer to raise money for my Relay for Life. This challenge sounds like a lot of fun. I probably couldn’t keep up, being in school, but if I didn’t have classes I would likely try it out. I hope you succeed!

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