Daily Archives: April 7, 2012

Not the Type of Angel You Want Knocking at Your Door

I really had no idea when I started the dishcloth challenge that I would be knitting Dr. Who related dishcloths.  But, that’s exactly what I found myself doing again and this is my newest cloth to add to my collection.

For those of you who are not fans of the show, this is not a happy little angel. Taking the Tardis is a bad thing and that Angel is up to no good.  This brings my Dr. Who cloth tally up to four.  I figure soon I will  be able to lay all the cloths out beside each other like storyboards and make my own episode up!

The yarn is hemp/cotton blend and I have to say, not my favorite to knit with.  It’s very airy and drappy which does have it’s uses, but not the best choice for a cloth.  The pattern is The Angels Have the Blue Box.  It works out fine  in the end, but the written directions are very cluttered (i.e. instead of K1 P1 x4 it reads K1 P1 K1 P1 K1 P1 K1 P1).  For me that’s a nightmare, but there is a chart that is clear and easy to follow so I suggest using that instead.  It’s also the only cloth I’ve made so far that appears to need blocking.  (That’s not going to happen.  It can occur naturally when it gets used.)

Now, must run off.  There is a tawashi fish pattern with my name on it and more cotton to use up.

The original idea for this challenge came from  Ruth.  Head on over to her blog to read all about it.